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NEWS  / touring
08 October 2014 / gigs, touring / 0 comments
Please check events on Facebook - hope we see you on the road!

08 October 2014 / gigs, touring, stories / 0 comments
One day, Koyote was wandering the forest, humming a new song, when she spied the most beautiful, shiny stick. She pounced forward with a bark of joy, then bounced back with a startled yelp when the stick hissed loudly and coiled into an angry spiral! No stick at all, but a deep black snake, soaking up sun and dreaming of strange music.

”Sorry”, said Koyote, “I thought you were a stick! I mean, uh in the most stick-positive sense! So…err…my name is Koyote, and, um, may I ask your name?”
“I am The Ssssnake”, hissed the snake proudly. “I have been called many names, but I answer to few.” She eyed Koyote unblinkingly. “I have not seen you in thisss part of the forest before. What brings you here? Apart from sticksss…”

“Well” said Koyote, “I was wandering new paths, to strengthen a new song I am working on.” “A singer, eh? And will you sing some of thisss new song for me?” Asked the snake. Koyote nodded, and howled the tune - she was still working on the words.

The snake looked surprised. Because it was the very same music she had been dreaming of in the sun, before she was so rudely interrupted. She chuckled to herself. “Well, now”, she said to Koyote, “this is rather interesssting. My lair is not far from here. May I invite you for a cup of tea? I have a rather excellent home-made blend of dried mouse and inky mushroom.”

“Oh, yes please!” Koyote was delighted! The Snake was by far the most interesting creature she had met all week, and she loved tea. Besides, she could feel the new song growing more words and stronger harmonies already – this was obviously a fated meeting and a fertile connection.

“Thisss way!” The snake smiled, and slithered between the trees. Koyote padded after, joyfully wagging her tail.

…and if you want to hear the rest of the story… you’ll just have to keep up and help us make it up as we go along...

Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Munich, Zurich, Lausanne?, Nancy, Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Køln?, Bremen, Fredrikshavn, Oslo.

18 August 2014 / touring, gigs / 0 comments
Get your own pocket Koyote~!
In October I will be touring with the talented, lovely and mysterious woman behind Subterranean Prints - who has also made me new calling cards! Pretty nifty, eh? Finally, you can get your hot, sweaty little paws/claws on a pocket sized icon of me that you can carry around and use to remind yourself to laugh at farts and not take yourself too seriously. Anyway, in October you can also enjoy the real, live me and my slinky friend on piano on a stage (or box, or whatever) near you, at least if you are in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Prague or Northern France. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for Koyote and The Snake! The plan so far:

08.Oct Gotheborg
09.Oct Copenhagen
10.Oct Hamburg
11.Oct Berlin
12.Oct Dresden
13.Oct Prague
14.Oct Munich
15.Oct Winterthur/Zurich? Not confirmed.
16.Oct Dijon
17.Oct Nancy
18.Oct Karlsruhe
19.Oct Frankfurt
20.Oct Koln? Not confirmed
21.Oct Bremen
New calling cards by Subterranean Prints.
New calling cards by Subterranean Prints.

26 April 2013 / touring, gigs / 0 comments
Howlfest 2013 completed with bells on!
Ahoy friends & friendly strangers! I am back in Oslo again after a brilliant spring tour of inspiring places and spaces in Belgium, Germany and the Czech Republic. Touring was excellent, inspiring and challenging in good ways. Thank you so much everyone who helped make this tour happen.

Here are some photos from an outdoor gig in Brno with Odeur des Violettes, and one in Prague with Aran Epochal and Odeur des Violettes, and a podcast from a radio show we made with our friend Vasa in Brno. Let's do this again!

In the mean time, I am back in Oslo doing my facilitator job for the university, practicing my yoga, playing my music and some gigs, writing new stuff, and working and practicing my arse off with Marte aka Sheman to bring you (if you are in Oslo) new performances of Sheman and the Doll Faces on May 11th and 12th.

Oh yes, and I just posted mp3s of all the songs from "Wheelbarrow Kamikaze" under "Listen", so please, go listen! I'll be seeing you around!

24 March 2013 / gigs, touring / 0 comments
Still a few free dates - contact me if you want a Koyote to serenade you & your friends on one of those days, or you just feel like generously offering me & my 2-man road crew a shower, a floor to sleep on, and/or a place to park the van for the night. We're all house trained when necessary and can make tea & good conversation... Wags & love!

25.3 Brussels with Son del Coraz & Rita Lemmens
26.3 Leuven with La Casa Fantom and others!
28.3 Karlsruhe at Halle14 with Autovogel and K'atla
29.3 Mainz at Haus Mainusch
30.3 ?cologne? - or you could book me...wink
1.4 Leipzig at Plaque, warming up for METAL! Rah!
2.4 Dresden at Hut61
4.4 Brno with Odeur de Violettes
5.4 Prague with Odeur de Violettes & Aran Epochal
7.4 Berlin at XB-Liebig 34
9.4 Berlin at Weder Gestern Noch Morgen with Shipwreck Rats
10.4 Hamburg at Fährstrasse 115
11.4 Bremen at Statt Tiergarten

Also playing in Oslo with Drømmedolker at Sound of Mu on May 16th - after new performances with Sheman and the doll faces may 11th and 12th!

17 March 2013 / gigs, touring / 0 comments
Updated tour info...
Still some open spots on the tour, so get in touch if you live in a neighbourhood we will be passing through and want us to play in your living room/wagon place/squat/collective/garden/bar/café/whatever! smile

25.3 Brussels with Son del Coraz & Rita Lemmens
26.3 Leuven with La Casa Fantom and others!
28.3 Karlsruhe at Halle14 with Autovogel and K'atla
29.3 Mainz at Haus Mainusch
30.3 ?cologne?
1.4 Leipzig at Plaque, warming up for METAL! Rah!
2.4 Dresden at Hut61
4.4 Brno with Odeur de Violettes
5.4 Prague with Odeur de Violettes & Aran Epochal
7.4 Berlin at XB-Liebig 34
8.4 or 9.4 Berlin at Weder Gestern Noch Morgen with Shipwreck Rats
10.4 Hamburg at Fährstrasse 115
11.4 Bremen at Statt Tiergarten
13.4 return to Oslo

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